You know what they say – the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. This email will share proven ideas and innovative strategies designed to help you get more customers, grow your sales and save time.
Do you feel like your always chasing to get your next customer? Do you fall victim to the “Spray and Pray” method of marketing only when needed, and then praying something happens? Do you have a marketing plan you’re confident works?
If you can relate to any or all of the above questions you’re most likely losing opportunity, prospective leads, and customers. The reason only 1 out of 12 small businesses succeeds is they aren’t consistently doing the following:
1. Effectively Driving Traffic
Attract interest in your business using powerful lead generation magnets.
2. Collecting Leads
Capture the names and email information of your visitors so that you can follow up and nuture.
3. Converting Prospects
Create a consistent, valuable nurturing campaign with automated, personalized follow-up messages.
4. Converting Sales
Turn prospects into customers by following up with strong offers, overwhelming objections.
5. Satisfying Customers
Deliver on what was promised. Then go above and beyond to really wow your customers.
6. Upselling Customers
Develop a long-term strategy to help grow the value of each customer over time.
7. Asking for Referrals
Encourage referrals with a great customer and partner referral program.