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Compose Highly Profitable Google Adwords Campaigns

By Luke Direct Marketing

June 11, 2013

There’s No Better Way Then Pay Per Click
There’s no better way to get targeted online traffic than through pay-for-click advertising. However, launching a new Adwords campaign can be a scary process. Excitement, anxiety, fear, and hope are all emotions that you might feel before you click the Enable button and go live with your ad.

It can be very risky: If you don’t compose and manage your campaign well its easy to spend a fortune, generate lots of visits, and end up with nothing to show for it. To avoid throwing away a lot of your hard earned cash its important to first consider your goals, budget and relevant keyword themes.

Get In Front of the Right Searchers
The goal of your AdWord campaign is to be found by searchers who are looking specifically for what you have to offer. This takes careful keyword strategy bidding, and compelling ad copy just to get the click. The problem is, that’s where most people stop. They make the mistake of sending that targeted traffic to the home page of their website or blog. Or even worse, they make no attempt to establish a relationship and connect with those that don’t buy.

What’s In Your Budget?
Generally there’s no minimum budget for most ad platforms, you’re limited only by your budget. Simply divide your monthly budget by the number of days per month to get your daily budget. Some low budgets won’t allow the campaigns to run properly because there simply isn’t enough money per day to afford a significant amount of clicks. If your budget is low, focus only on the most relevant of keywords. You’ll get a higher click through rate (CTR) by developing ads with a strong call to action.

Be Very Careful When Choosing Your Keywords
When choosing your keywords or phrases focus on the ones that are closest to your business but yet also fit into your budget. To avoid losing money on irrelevant clicks, focus on phrase or exact match keywords. To avoid losing money on irrelevant clicks, focus on phrase or exact match keywords.  Don’t overlook using negative keywords, which allow you to specify where your ad should not appear. Finally, as your budget increases, it’s appropriate to target searches that will broaden reach, but may be slightly less relevant.

Test(s) Your Unique Selling Proposition
Writing your unique selling proposition (USP) that differentiates your business from your competitors can be difficult. Unless you test different versions of your ad to see which one performs best, you won’t be able to maximize the ROI of your campaign. Google and most of the other platforms allow you to set up split tests that rotate different ads for each of your targeted keywords. To do the test effectively, adjust your setting so that ads will be served up randomly rather than according to the platform’s formula of displaying the ad it determines will result in the most clicks. Keep your daily spending lower while testing until you are seeing consistent conversion rates.

Don’t Propose Marriage
Before You Get a First Date

The first thing to do is build a ultra-specific page to send the search traffic to, called a landing page. The purpose of the landing page is not sell your product or service, but instead to offer a quality free resource (or lead magnet) — a mini-course, ebook, teleseminar, or other type of tutorial that is directly related to what you are ultimately selling. By educating people about the subject matter of your product or service, you are actually engaging them in a highly effective form of selling, while at the same time establishing a relationship.

Launch, Measure & Tweak
To effectively manage your AdWord campaigns and improve your ROI, you need to know exactly which clicks are resulting in sales. To generate this data for free, tie your Google AdWords account to Google Analytics to track which ads led visitors to your page and which visits resulted in sales. Without this information, you can’t adjust your keyword bids or eliminate less effective ads and keywords.