- Consider using a website template (ie: WordPress). There are many templates or pre-set designs.
- Layout and design are a very subjective topic, but the important thing is to make sure that there is a layout…as opposed to just putting information up.
- Provide clear, direct and easy to use navigation system.
- If you are designing a website that would include more than 15 pages, then it sis useful to have a sitemap or website “Search” feature on your website to ensure your visitors can easily find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.
- Avoid outdated cliches like page counters, javascript text scrolling, excessive animated .GIF’s, under construction signs, and page fade-ins, etc.
- Select and stick to a color scheme. If your company has a logo or branded colors on its stationary that’s a good start.
- Don’t go overboard on special effects. While it’s ok to have one or more special effects, too many can distract you visitor from the content and may them click away.
- Make pages only as long as they need to be.
- It is very important that you concentrate your efforts on creating useful and unique content.
- Think Local & Write Global.
- Spell Everything Correctly
- Avoid Saying Just “Click Here”
- Links Must Work
- It’s a good idea for external links to open to other websites (external) in a new window. That way your visitors can easily return to your site when they are finished browsing the external links.
- Make sure your visitors can read the text on the backgrounds of pages. No black writing on dark blue background or yellow on white.
- Graphics quality can be a key factor in improving the appearance of you web site and don’t make images any larger then they need to be so the site loads fast.
- Get To The Point On The First Page, or at least give people an idea of what your site is about. If people have to go hunting, they may move on.
- Have contact information on all pages.
- One of the most frustrating things to a person browsing the web is waiting for a site to load. Make sure that your site is relatively quick to load, no matter what you put on it.
- Make an effort to keep your website fresh, especially if you want to get repeat visitors. If a site remains stagnant, people may stop visiting.